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Oasis Poker in Soranie casino

Sobranie casino invites all its visitors to appreciate the game Oasis Poker, which will give you not only pleasant emotions, but also winnings. Read the rules on the official club site and proceed to the game.

Game popularity

The main mission in the Oasis Poker is a winning combination of five cards, more than the opponent. There is a deck of 52 cards, where there is no joker.The gameplay participants are four users.Cards by size: ace-king-queen-jack."Straight" - an ace is the largest and smallest card.To start the gameplay, put "ANTE".Place your cards face down on "Bet" and set the denomination as two "ANTE".If there is no desire to continue, then you need to place the cards on the table in a closed form and say "PAS". The dealer gets the cards, "Ante" does not give a win.For those who want to improve the combination of cards, you need to change them.

Oasis Poker in Sobranie casino

Game process

Game "Ace-King"

You have the right to play with cards that are visible to everyone, on two boxes next to each other, and on others “in the dark”. All "ANTE" bets of the same person must be identical to each other.

Bonus game

As long as the game does not start at Golden Oasis Poker, in addition to the standard ANTE, you can make another one - a bonus.Promotion is valid regardless of the game dealer. A bet turns out to be a prize if it matches the combination in the table.With several bonus combinations, the highest is paid.Loss can only be if:

The lowest bet on the bonus is 2 USD, and the largest is 25 USD, in VIP Hall 5 USD

Forbidden actions

As soon as the bonus Oasis Poker is distributed, the client has the right to change cards.Funds paid on the bonus are not related to the highest payout of the table. Cards must always be visible to the dealer and must not be removed.Players are strictly prohibited to disclose information about their cards. They will be retaken only if at least one of the players accidentally received the wrong number of cards.Attend a casino meeting and try out Golden Oasis Poker for real money!

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"SOBRANIE" casino conducts activities in the territory of the gambling zone 'Yantarnaya' in accordance with the law No. 244 'On state regulation of activities for the organization and conduct of gambling and on amending some legislative acts of the Russian Federation, adopted on 12/20/2006. Information is intended for persons over 18 years old.
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